
Showing posts from March, 2024

Finished Project Post.


Finished Project Feelings BlogPost.

 The issues we encountered during the production of our project would have to be certain restrictions we faced at home, and not to mention editing was a bit of a hassle for this project as well since we have to add music, cut sone seconds off of clips and more. The changes we made to our story were not too major aside from us changing some ideas for some scenes, such as the bathroom scenes and the newspaper scene as well. I learned many things, such as learning how to edit slightly and how to record scenes more efficiently and effectively without much movement being required and such. The information I used for this project that I learned from class would be learning how to storyboard properly and creating shots such as static that we learned back then, which helped exponentially with the project. But aside from all of that, everything went smoothly and in the end and we are ready for the final stretch.

Editing Post 2 BlogPost

  The amount of time we spent editing at best was between 10-20 minutes in total with 3 minutes being for each scene and such. The people involved with editing were all 3 of us. Payton, Patrick, and me ( I was unable to get their pictures because of something happening with their cameras and such. ) and for additional filming it may take an extra 10 minutes to make it look good as possible and such, such as adding the extra credits scene and more.

Editing Post 1 Blogpost

  We mainly cut the videos by some clips to reduce the amount of time that was on them and such, for the effects there really isn’t anything we added. However the video transitions are mainly cuts into another shot and such The problems I encountered during editing was many clips were being copied and put into the same clip I been trying to edit and such. However thankfully the solution was too simply get rid of the copied clip and make sure to avoid the same mistake and such done the first time.

Updated Storyboard Blog Post.

The changes we made to the storyboard are not really massive compared to the first one. However, many changes can be noticeable. As for the first scene, It’s relatively the same except for the sound of the Poptart being more evident, for the second scene. the trash now has many more items in it compared to the first, as it emits a wrapper sound. With a knife seen inside of it. For the third scene there’s a lot of new changes. As blood can be seen in the sink and such, and the water emits a sound now, as it’s used to clean the blood inside the sink. For the next scene, same as well. However a slight background sound can be heard, however instead of a pile of clothes. It’s a shirt being thrown aggressively against the wall, The next scene with the tv is the same, only thing that’s added is that it’s supposed to be a static screen now emitting noise. For yet our next scene, same as well but it’s outside the house instead of inside. As a door opening n can be heard. For our next scene, it’

Filming Blog Post

 Our first day filming went pretty smooth, as we were mainly working on prototypes and such before we start the actual thing. Our shooting schedule is a bit all over the place, but we are able to think of various ways to work around it. This scene in which I will show with pictures if a prototype and won’t be applied to the final product of the project. As the scene shows the killer turning the tv off with children toys around it and evident blood on the knife.

Sound Blog Post

 The process of our music is going well and smooth with mainly me and Payton giving our ideas to Patrick in order to help him pick what music could best fit our flim. For our editing software, we mainly use CapCut, and IMovie to edit some of the music into our film. For diegetic sounds we mainly did for objects that went off or drop to the floor to mainly give it a more realistic view, while some non-diegetic sounds are played in the background are used in order to give the viewer an uneasy feeling among the entire film. One of the various music choices we picked were ghost procession to fit with the overall nature of the film, plus the song itself is supposed to sound eerie. It’s copyright free and was made by Kevin MacLeod.

Lighting Blog Post.

  The use of lighting in our project will be with dim lighting and such. With the dim lighting adding a sort of eerie feeling as it goes along with the overall feeling with the film. And also yes, the lighting has been edited in post production in order to make it really match with the scenes and such. But the purpose of the dim lighting is to basically make a chilly viewing for the viewers that watch the film.

Group Dynamics Blog Post.

 Everything is going well so far, we have done a couple of our scenes such as the first scene along with other elements. So far everybody has been pulling their weight, the only problem would be limitations that we have at our own house holds. But aside from that, everything is going very smooth. And we can probably finish the project next week if we plan ahead and try to see what we can work around with as a team.

Title Sequence Blog Post.

The making of our title sequence is that we used a website called Tools.picsart, what we chooses for our font was monospace, with our color being grey. The name of the title is called “why?” As the effects we use are the ripple effect in which the title will be sliver but transition to black and such. We came to this decision because we all agreed that it would fit the concept and atmosphere of the film. We originally were going to pick different fonts such as X-cross and stroked. But we decided monospace was much more simpler to work around and not to mention, fitting the atmosphere of the film. Thus leading us to the decision of our ideas for the title and such and how we planned the designs for it.

Challenges in Filming BlogPost

 The challenges in filming would mostly have to revolve around us having to do multiple takes, especially with the first part since we have to use food for the first clip. And depending on the timing, we may miss it resulting in another take and the fact we may have to use another Poptart which is wasting what we have basically. But outside of that, everybody is managing their own weight and such, however for my own challenges. I don’t really have any as I’m mostly the one that’s helping with props, while Payton and Patrick focuses on recording and editing, thus. I have the least amount of challenges. While they have the most, but outside of that, everybody is doing a good job so far and it’s going relatively smooth.

Color Use Blog Post

 For Color we mainly focused on the color red, the color red being associated with the cherry pop tarts along with blood to signify that a vicious and dangerous presence is hidden in the film. The main character wearing a white shirt is meant to be normal and basic with nothing that would seem to be out of the ordinary and such, and while red is a complete contrast to that ordinary feeling. The red is a huge key to the film and the main use of our colors in the film in order to provoke a dreadful and dangerous feeling underneath its normal and calm exterior, it’s basically like a wolf’s in sheep’s clothing. Looks normal at first, but the more you pick on, the more you realize how sinister it actually is underneath its mask.