Final Project Idea

 The project that we have in mind is related to a genre being mostly that of thriller. The story and plot behind the story is that it starts as a normal sort of setting with a man doing normal things that an everyday person would usually do, however as more time passes. There will be very subtle but noticeable details about the story slowly taking a much more darker tone, such as there being blood somewhere, or there being multiple body bags that are seen nearby with a noticeable stain on them that looks like blood. Basically this film idea that we have in mind is supposed to seem normal at first as it slowly reveals it’s true nature throughout the time of the opening until the very end where the truth is revealed and seen. One of the major parts that I’m excited about regarding this idea is that, we are able to pick endless options of tools or accessories to use for this specific film. There’s almost no complete limit on how we are able to utilize this sort of dark element that we are trying to go for, the only thing I’m worried about is that we may keep doing redos to try and get the most perfect result due to the amount of tools we could possibly use for this film in order to make it seem realistic. Aside from that, this idea that we have has many layers of potential that we can use.


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