Main Character Analysis

 The Main character lacks a name. There’s very little information regarding the character and his motives. Although many details can be seen through the film regarding how they act. Her characteristics are that of a normal adult man that appears to just be a normal person that’s with society and such. Although he’s cunning, clever, sneaky and cautious while blending in with the masses. He wears a pretty average attire that being  a button up and a pair of pants, our opener will describe it as office clothes at best. ( if we exclude the tie. ) No dialogue is presented but we ( as in me along with Patrick and Payton ) plan to make him appear flowy, calm and pretty grounded and mature for his age. However his mental state takes a 180 as the opener progresses he’s more altered and illogical. Irrational and sharp, his motivation at the moment is to rub away from consequences by getting rid of any evidence. Such as the murder of his own family that he tries to hide and such. This is the summary of our main character along with their personality and motivations.


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